Culture21 srl – Gruppo Monti&Taft Ltd
Partita IVA 03068171200 | Codice Fiscale/Numero iscrizione registro imprese di Roma 03068171200
CCIAA R.E.A. RM - 1367791 | Capitale sociale: €10.000 i.v.
SAM Master Class has been set up as an itinerant appointment among experts of the cultural system, drawing a “learning trajectory” across Europe, with multiple destination points. Starting from Italy and crossing Spain “Tools for Culture” aims at linking the main cultural production poles.
Tools for Culture, in collaboration with Monti&Taft and Impact Hub Barcelona, launches the first international edition of the SAM – Strategic Arts Management Master Class that will be held on October 23rd and 24th, 2014 at Impact Hub Barcelona.
It will address the issues of international strategy and action of Creative and Cultural Industries providing participants with the needed views, skills and tools to plan and implement an effective strategy.
Download the SAM Barcellona Programme
SAM – Strategic Arts Management Master Class and Tafter Journal invite abstract submissions which offer new and challenging research on culture between site-specific creativity and international markets.
The SAM’s Scientific Committee will select 1 candidate who will have the possibility to get 100% off of the SAM registration fee, and 2 candidates who will have the possibility to get 50% off of the SAM registration fee.
Please send the submission form to no later than September 15th, 2014.
General information
The call for papers is open to: professionals of cultural and creative organizations; professionals involved in building and realizing a cultural project; cultural and creative entrepreneurs involved in internationalization processes; cultural managers and experts active in cultural project designing; students, graduates (from bachelors to PhDs) who aim at becoming experts in the field of cultural project management on the European dimension; scholars, researchers and academics.
All abstracts must be submitted in English. Abstracts may not be longer than 3,500 characters including spaces.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be requested to submit full papers on or before the deadline of November 30th, 2014. All papers will be published in a regular issue of Tafter Journal, ISSN 1974-563X.
Important dates
– Submission Opens: July 14th, 2014
– Closing date for abstract submission: September 15th, 2014 (submission deadline: midnight in each author’s time zone)
– Authors of selected abstract will be notified by e-mail from: September 30th, 2014
– Final Deadline for full Papers: November 30th, 2014 (submission deadline: midnight in each author’s time zone)
For further information about the Call for Papers, please visit the official web page
Download the Call For Papers
For more information about SAM Barcelona, please visit the official web page
Strategic Arts Management è un prodotto formativo ideato da Tools for Culture, organizzazione collegata al gruppo Monti&Taft, attiva nel campo della ricerca e dell’alta formazione per il management culturale.
SAM Barcellona è un progetto Tools for Culture in collaborazione con:
media partner