Culture21 srl – Gruppo Monti&Taft Ltd
Partita IVA 03068171200 | Codice Fiscale/Numero iscrizione registro imprese di Roma 03068171200
CCIAA R.E.A. RM - 1367791 | Capitale sociale: €10.000 i.v.
Since 2015, the Monti&Taft group operates mainly in investing operations in the field of Cultural and Creative Industries and in the touristic sector, fields in which Monti&Taft has developed a profound knowledge working for more than 10 years as a consulting company and providing enterprises, public foundations and Public Administrations with assistance, advice, and cooperating in designing cultural and economic projects.
After this experience and after an important role in the growth of the Cultural and Creative sector in Italy, starting from March 30th Monti&Taft has changed its company’s layout in order to keep to its company mission. In doing so, Monti&Taft has re-designed its role, in order to appreciate the excellences born in the Italian Market and assisting high added value activities.
The Core Business of the company consists in investing in well-established companies’ shares, with an high growing potential, operating in a wide range of activities, from urban regeneration to mobility, from publishing to integrated touristic systems.
The nature of the investment relies on profitability measurement, and Monti&Taft operates in this sector directly, or indirectly, for example, by creating or participating in capital appreciation operations.
Beside the investment activities, Monti&Taft also provides advisory services, related to merger and acquisition processes, internationalization and attraction of FDIs as well as in corporate restructuring processes. Furtherly Monti&Taft supports public administrations in defining economic policies related to the cultural and creative sectors aiming at maximizing the efficiency of the Italian and international economic fabric.