The CAMAA project organizes a co-creative lab day dedicated to different target groups.

The workshop devoted to military architecture is a new initiative within the CAMAA cross-border cooperation project, in line with the European directives on the management and reuse of assets disposed as the military architectures.


In the morning (from 10.00 to 13.00) it will focus on “Good management of cultural heritage“, from the experience of Forte Marghera, presented by Pietrangelo Pettenò – sole director of Marco Polo System geie, with the assistance of the Director of the Cultural Heritage Section of Veneto Region Dr. Fausta Bressani, who will illustrate the rich experience in the field of cultural heritage management in the region. Dr. Antonia Pavesi will present her experience in the important role of Deputy Councillor UNESCO – City of Verona. Dr. Domenico Zugliani, responsible for coordinating UNESCO sites’ projects Veneto – Verona City Council, will examine aspects of the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. The mayor of Cittadella Giuseppe Pan, president of the Associazione Città Murate of Veneto, will present a case study on how to manage particular sites as the walled towns are. The mayor of the municipality of Cavallino Treporti, Claudio Orazio will close the morning session of the meeting dedicated to institutions, cultural associations, leaders of the industry and municipalities.

Moderator will be Dr. Martha Friel – Centro Studi Santagata – EBLA.


The afternoon meeting will have as its target group enterprises and companies and will focus on the topic of “Models of management of military architecture in favor of businesses.” They will share their experience illustrious managers of military architecture of Veneto: Luigi Maschera – Committee Gazzera Forte, Forte Gazzera; Chiara Pravato – Group Solidalia, Forte Poerio; Francesco Cavallin – Coop. Forte Carpenedo non-profit organization, Forte Carpenedo; Marco Zamarchi – Coop. Coges, Forte Rossarol; Stefano Monti – CEO Monti&Taft.

The meeting will be moderated by Antonello De’ Medici – President Federturismo Veneto.




event info:041.2960536 –